Tag: Amateur Radio
Next Meeting July
Thursday, July 27nd. 2017 Testing @ 5:00 P.M. , Board Meeting @6:00 P.M. Meeting/ Program @7:00 P.M. Where: First Baptist Church Youth Center, 504 W Main St Morristown, TN 37814. Email for details or questions: lakewayarcboard@gmail.com Walk ins are welcome If you are interested in attending a testing session to obtain your FCC License Please…
Field Day Primer
LARC Field Day is our premier annual operating event. Field Day 2017 is open to the general public. This live training session prepares amateur radio operators to be able to set up and operate a station during less than ideal conditions in an emergency. It is also a contest with points and awards for contacting…
What Do I Do Now?
I recently acquired a new toy donated to me by the presentation giver at our last club meeting. The presentation was on our new builders group that our club is putting together. Thanks to Craig Thibodeaux (KM4YEC) and the help of Dale Knight (AB4DK), our club is learning to build the equipment that we have…
Ham Radio or Not,
That’s Not Real Ham Radio, or is it? http://www.k0nr.com/wordpress/2017/04/12/thats-not-real-ham-radio/
63 years a Ham
We received this note from a fellow Ham, check it out. I have been a 63 years a Ham, members of several clubs, been to many meetings & activities; so what stands out the best ? When this old ‘buzzard’ learns something new !! This April’s LARC meeting “Make it yourself” tops the list. Craig &…