Author: admin_larcw2iq

  • MiscDotGeek Co-Sponsoring

    MiscDotGeek Co-Sponsoring Builders Fest 2018 Amateur Radio, BITX40, QRP, uBITX by Ryan Flowers We’re quite excited to announce that MiscDotGeek is co-sponsoring Builders Fest 2018! What, you haven’t heard about Builders Fest 2018? The first annual Builders Fest is going to be at the Lakeway Amateur Radio Club’s 26th Annual Morristown HAMFEST, Saturday, January 6th, 2018. The…

  • Worlds Oldest Ham F8IL, SK

    Oldest Ham F8IL, SK Jean Touzot, F8IL, of Albi, France — said to have been the world’s oldest radio amateur — has died. The “dean of French radio amateurs,” Touzot was 109 and enjoyed operating CW with an old-fashioned hand key and a modern Yaesu transceiver. He “retired from the airwaves for health reasons” at…

  • Scheduled Meeting November 16th.

    Scheduled Meeting November, one week early. Potluck Diner, you’ll come! Where: First Baptist Church Youth Center, 504 W Main St Morristown, TN 37814. Email for details or questions: Thursday, Nov. 16th.  2017 @ 5:00 P.M. VE Testing in Room 1 If you are interested in attending a testing session to obtain your FCC License…

  • SKYWARN Recognition Day

    Coming up on the Event schedule Get ready for an antenna party!!!              SKYWARN Recognition Day, Saturday, December 2 SKYWARN™ Recognition Day (SRD) will take place this year on Saturday, December 2 from 0000 until 2400 UTC (starts on the evening of Friday, December 1, in US time zones). During the SKYWARN Special Event, hams will…

  • 42nd Annual Mountain Makins Festival

    LARC joins the Rose Center at Mountain Makins this weekend Sat and Sun. come by and see us and operatre on the air with amateur radio. 42nd Annual Mountain Makins Festival October 27-29, 2017 Celebrating 42 Years of Family Fun! Mountain Makins is an award-winning festival which started in 1976 as a way to raise…

  • Tennessee Radio Shack Re-Opens, Partners with Local Ham Radio Club

    Tennessee RadioShack Re-Opens, Partners with Local Ham Radio Club Check out the article published to the ARRL website. This article is going viral across various Facebook groups and pages, its good to see our local radio club and builders group in a positive light to the radio community. Many many thanks goes to the vision…

  • Understanding Repeater Antennas Part 2

    Mr. W4KEV,  Kevin Duplantis will be the guest speaker and will present a program for Lakeway members and visitors at the L.A.R.C. meeting this month on Thursday Oct. 26th, 2017 at the Youth Building First Baptist Church, Morristown, TN. Meeting starts at 7:00 PM be there early to get your seat!         

  • September Meeting Program

    Come join us for an interesting program at our September’s meeting at the Jefferson City Library. September 28th, 2017. WSPRNET  we’ll be covering details of equipment used, software, antennas, computers, why it’s helpful, ways to use it! Get ready for another tools to use with Amateur Radio WSPR (pronounced “whisper”) stands for “Weak Signal Propagation…

  • Sun Unleashes Monster Solar Flare, Strongest in a Decade

    Thanks to Dan W4DOD for the info below. The Tennessee Phone Net on 3980 was wiped out this morning by this solar event. Dan W4DOD Early this morning (Sept. 6), the sun released two powerful solar flares — the second was the most powerful in more than a decade. At 5:10 a.m. EDT (0910 GMT),…

  • Solar Eclipse QSO Party (SEQP)

    The SEQP will take place on August 21, 2017 from 1400 – 2200 UTC. Partial eclipse begins at about 1600 UTC in Oregon ends at about 2015 UTC in South Carolina. Forms for SEQP and RBN log uploading will be posted here on Monday, August 21. On August 21, 2017, a total solar eclipse will…